Terminology and Definitions: Elements of an Integrated Architecture

bullet Control Theory
bullet Potential Fields
bullet Control Basis - primitive, native value functions
bullet Harmonic Function Path Planning and Control
bullet Wrench Closure
bullet Kinematic Conditioning
bullet Redundant Systems
bullet Null Space
bullet Multi-Objective Control
bullet Learning and Adaptation
bullet Reinforcement Learning (RL)
bullet Semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs) - temporally extended action
bullet Perception and World Modeling
bullet Scale-Space
bullet Differential Operators
bullet Differentiation Tasks
bullet Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Taken's theorem - temporally extended observations and hidden state
bullet Human-Robot Interaction
bullet Wearable Interfaces
bullet Teleoperation
bullet Virtual and Augmented Reality
bullet Mixed-Initiative Control
bullet Adaptive Interface
bullet System Infrastructure
bullet Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS) - supervised state factorization
bullet Networked Sensory and Motor Services
bullet Real-Time Operating Systems
bullet Containment Units

 Copyright Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics.