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Experimental Agenda

As a consequence of our commitment to interactionist models of development, we plan to build integrated robot systems to test our hypotheses. Our objective is not to invest too heavily in the details of the techniques presented in previous sections, but instead to prove that interaction, through sensorimotor primitives and policies, leads to conceptual structure. In this section, we will present a tentative experimental agenda for demonstrating our objectives. We will embed a set of robot resources (see Section ) in a common work area. For example, a stereo pair of cameras and our integrated hand/arm system will interact with objects on a table top. In all such experimental designs, our goal is to document a developmental sequence from physical primitives, through physical and figurative schema, and toward a conceptual structure with predictive semantics.

Consider the following sequence for acquiring concepts in the blocks world domain. Our robot configuration consists of a dextrous hand, a robot arm, an articulated stereo vision system, and a binaural auditory system. The robot will interact with the blocks world environment in order to build domain rules for this class of tasks. This expertise will necessarily proceed from coordinated sensorimotor policies (spatial sense), to models describing the relationship between the robot and environmental features (categorization), and finally to declarative models of the interactions between extrinsic features (stability).
Wed Apr 16 00:53:15 EDT 1997